2 Broke Girls (2011-2017)

I personally think this comedy show is fabulous. It tells the story of an odd, crazy family at a diner. Well not a real family, a work family. Where insults are thrown around and they all hate their jobs. At the centre of this family are two broke girls, if you couldn’t have guessed. They become unlikely friends and decide a dream to open up a cupcake business is what is going to get them out of the underbelly of Brooklyn.

2 Broke Girls

Max Black (Kat Dennings) is, as she says so many times, dead inside. She doesn’t feel emotions and what mostly comes out of her mouth is insults, or sexual innuendos. She is hilarious! To say she hated her childhood would be an understatement, she’s always using her mother’s alcoholism and her runaway unknown father as a joke butt. She tells it how it is, hilariously but truthfully, and extremely opinionated. She is an extremely strong character, standing up for everything she believes in. Amongst it all, she is caring in her own way and is a great character. She’s the cupcake baker and Caroline uses this to her advantage with a business mind, it’s her idea to create Max’s Homemade Cupcakes and try to bring it to their reality.
2 Broke Girls - Max and Caroline 2

Caroline Channing (Beth Behrs) is a posh socialite turned ex-billionaire. When Caroline’s father is discovered for embezzling a lot of money, she loses all her fortune, her mansion, her friends, her rich life. She ends up in a small diner in a sketchy neighbourhood, the one that Max works at. Desperate to not hit rock bottom, she is constantly surprised by little things, like having to do things for herself, waitressing, finding somewhere to live. In an act of kindness, Max lets Caroline move in with her and the unlikely friendship begins. Caroline constantly strives for the best, for working her way up again despite losing everything, but learns so much on the way. But she always does it in high heels and a horse in the garden, literally.

2 Broke Girls - Max and Caroline 3

Then there’s four other characters to make up this bizarre diner family. Firstly the overly sexual chef, Oleg (Jonathan Kite). Anything he says is sexual, literally everything. Then there’s Earl (Garrett Morris), who is the cool suave cashier. He’s just great! Thirdly, Han Lee (Matthew Moy) the boss of the diner and the punch line of so many of Max’s jokes. He tries to assert this authority but it never really works. Lastly, the late comer to the series, Sophie (Jennifer Coolidge), the upstairs neighbour of Max and Caroline, who comes down every day to get her cupcake treat. All the characters are so different that they bring something each to the show which is a breath of fresh air and always comical.

And the Not Regular Down There

As you can probably tell this is definitely a comedy for older ages, it’s a 15 for a reason. But regardless, it is hilarious. If you think it would be your comedy (and I do get that it is a comedy of particular taste) then I would definitely recommend. It’s an easy watch 20 minute episodes, that will make you chuckle but also wish for the girls to succeed. Watch as these two broke girls struggle through real life yet odd situations as they try and build their own cupcake business.

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