Knight and Day (2010)

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in an action comedy. Sounds like a perfect mash up for a film. Tom Cruise does action well, Cameron Diaz does action and comedy well. Surely, ‘Knight and Day’ is a great escapism then? Somehow, no. As I said, action comedy apparently. Definitely an action film. Comedy? I’m not so sure.

The plot of ‘Knight and Day’ goes… June (Cameron Diaz) is thrown into a spy lifestyle when she gets wrapped up in Roy’s (Tom Cruise) world. She goes from heading to her sister’s wedding, to being in a plane crash and launched into a journey where Roy is trying to prove his innocence. The plot is solid, it’s a shame I wasn’t invested however.

This film is absolutely ridiculous. I was constantly wondering throughout: “what is going on?!”. I felt like I couldn’t relate or connect to the characters at all, they felt extremely disjointed which is odd as the actors are two excellent stars. Cameron Diaz’s character was more comical than Tom Cruise’s, because his just felt completely disconnected. I think this was done on purpose as he was supposed to be a spy who has had empathy completely removed through his career. But it just didn’t work for me.

For a film made in 2010, the graphics and special effects are truly awful. I couldn’t help but laugh at how terrible they looked. I can kind of ignore this since ‘Knight and Day’ is over a decade old, but I thought they’d be a bit better.

I didn’t hate ‘Knight and Day’, but I definitely thought it would be much better than it was. The film constantly jumped all over the place which at times just made it confusing. The plot had potential but as I couldn’t connect, I didn’t really care about what was going to happen. On the whole, it does have plenty of action. But, I just couldn’t help and think how ridiculous this film truly was. It works as a mockery action comedy, I guess?

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